Spoof Sun front page
How low can go they go? Does Mrs Blair have no shame? This story comes from the BBC's website:
Tory MPs are demanding a public apology from the Labour Party after it emerged members, including ministers, took part in an auction for a copy of the Hutton report into the death of Dr David Kelly which was autographed by Cherie Blair.
According to a Commons motion tabled by Peterborough's Stewart Jackson, the event took place at the Arts Club in Mayfair last week and raised £400 for party coffers.
The motion says the event was "in appalling bad taste, arrogant and crassly insensitive in seeking to make money, albeit indirectly, through hawking, as a novelty item, an official Government report into the death of a public servant".
It "regrets the distress caused to the family and friends of the late Dr Kelly; and calls on the Labour Party to apologise for such tasteless and offensive conduct and to donate the money raised to an appropriate charity".
A Labour spokesman meanwhile said it had not been a party event. "We know nothing about it," he said.
See the Early Day Motion in full – it is number 2224 - http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm/cmedm/60522e01.htm
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