Monday, June 26, 2006

How inept can they get?

This is how junior Defence Minister Tom Watson announced in the House of Commons today plans to mark the 25th anniversary of the Falklands conflict. He said: “There will be a major celebration to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Falklands.” See:

What an idiotically poor choice of word: celebration. Commemoration, yes. But as 255 of our servicemen died along with countless Argentineans (working class lads sent to war by a dictatorial government on its last legs – ring any bells Tony?) then surely it is a time for some solemnity rather than a party.

Having treated our forces like dirt: cutbacks, sending soldiers to war without the right equipment, trying to stop overseas visits by relatives, I could go on and on, Blair and his cronies are clearly now trying to show their support to our forces.

This from a Government whose lottery grant quango recently rejected an application to fund a centre in Hampshire for Falklands veterans still suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The same quango that refused Second World War veterans funding to visit Monte Casino to pay their respect to their fallen comrades.

Oh, and the same Government whose Deputy Prime Minister thought it was perfectly appropriate to take his mistress to a Iraq war memorial service at St Paul's Cathedral.
They should be ashamed.